The Gang's Awesome Website!

The Gang's Awesome Website! - student project

You've probably seen more than enough of 'The Gang' during the class, but here's my project!


  1. The Gang on Surge.
  2. The Gang on Github Pages.
  3. The Gang repo on Github.

I've changed a bit of code since recording the class, so that on higher screens the banner content will sit in the middle of the hero banner. This will cause problems in not-so-high browsers though... See the changes in this commit and see the changes below.

The Gang's Awesome Website! - image 1 - student project

Above: what the site looked like on a 1280x720 screen.

The Gang's Awesome Website! - image 2 - student project


Above: what the site looked like on a 1440x900 screen before the change.

The Gang's Awesome Website! - image 3 - student project

Above: what the site looked like on a 1440x900 screen after the change.

Much better I think. Have a look at the code, and shout if you have any questions.