The CoderPilot

From 2011 to now Claudia has been an active flight instructor, sometimes doing it full time sometimes when necessary doing it part time. But committing to never giving it up again. She has published an article in the 99s international magazine where she has also served as chairmen for her local chapter, webmaster for her section. She has also been interviewed in AOPA flight training magazine. She worked with Airshow Performer Sean D Tucker and his non profit organization Every Kid Can Fly. Claudia was the first instructor to solo a student for Every Kid Can Fly and was covered in multiple aviation publications as well as local newspapers.
However, Claudia remains grounded, and is often reminded of the dangers in aviation. “ The longer you remain in this industry, the more people you know that pass away because of accidents that could’ve been prevented” is a quote that will forever stick with her because sadly it’s true.
That quote, and the incidents She has seen, the stories She had heard of “it was so close” , the multiple heart jumping out the chest flight with students, the countless hours of ground sessions with students, private pilots, airline pilots, and military pilots is the inspiration for creating The CoderPilot. The CoderPilot is her way of giving back to the industry that She has come to love and want to see overcome avoidable accidents. By providing digital resources that are educational, but fun. She wants to increase safety, increase proficiency and help decrease accidents.