Symmetry in the Round

Symmetry in the Round - student project

Oh I love this class. I've been trying to figure out how to create a symmetrical pattern in Affinity Designer when, YES!  Tracey shares how! Thank you so much.

I started playing with symmetry and textures for the first project. I even played with some special effects [inner glow] and the transparency tool to create a more faded look for my textures. 

Symmetry in the Round - image 1 - student project

In the pink flowers, that darker texture is the vein of a leaf, and the edge of the texture image was very harsh. So I added the special affect of inner glow to blend the edge of the image into the lower part of the flower. I did the same thing to the tips of the purple flower texture image.

There is a second texture in the pink flowers that was also too harsh, so I played with the transparency tool so the texture faded into the flower beneath the other texture. I thought it worked well. I should have taken a before/after snapshot to show the difference. But I'm not going backwards-- I might forget what I did. I suppose I could use the "history" tool, but I'm still a beginner and I'd rather not mess up what I created.

So, next I started to follow the plan for the project when I got a brainstorm. If two side-by-side symbols create a vertical symmetry, what about four symbols, flipped just so, to create a quad symmetry???????  Yes!  I did it:

Symmetry in the Round - image 2 - student project

I love how this turned out.  And just changing one of the symbols in one of the quadrants changes all of them. So sweet. I didn't use many textures in this, mostly the gradient fill tool.  Only the large blue flower and the yellow background have texture. 

One of my background florals is a vector design I created and saved as an asset. I learned these tricks from Tracey's other classes.  So check them out. 

Here's my red-twig dogwood designed from a photo from my backyard, in green though [I needed green for the concept I was working on]. With an adjustment of color, it filled in well in my symmetry.

A great class-- I really expanded my ability to create in Affinity Designer. I love that I can now have assets saved and any project can be resized, if I watch how I import any textures. 

Symmetry in the Round - image 3 - student project