Starting my Online Business
My business is ridiculously limited to in person. You can't paint a face online. However- the limits that creates have been frustrating. I recently decided to organize and consolidate my many one time tries into a consistent effort to find a way to engage online and enjoy more freedom.
The good news is I am not starting from ground zero.
#1 Determine your why- totally have that, although I am trying to sharpen the branding here. I want to connect with more likeminded individuals and share my views on freelancing and help others succeed. While looking for more freedom.
#2 Profitable niche. - Half way here- while I am totally in a popular niche, there is an established path that I am not interested in following, so it feels a little turbulent.
#3 Blog- I have had one before- never saw or understood it to be the anchor/center of the effort- super interesting.
#4Social Media- Loved the attempt to fight overwhelm here. My 1 is instagram, with facebook and youtube backups.
#5 Is where I stop- so this is where I am at I guess.