Simple primary

Simple primary - student project

I explored along with a few of the exercises and it was so much fun! I quite like a lot of the designs I made. So here's my final art board collections as well as some of my favorites.

Simple Simple

Simple primary - image 1 - student project

  Simple primary - image 2 - student project  Simple primary - image 3 - student project   Simple primary - image 4 - student project

Sneaky Square

Simple primary - image 5 - student project

Simple primary - image 6 - student project   Simple primary - image 7 - student project   Simple primary - image 8 - student project   

Double Trouble

Simple primary - image 9 - student project

Simple primary - image 10 - student project      Simple primary - image 11 - student project 

 Simple primary - image 12 - student project     Simple primary - image 13 - student project

Odd one out

Simple primary - image 14 - student project

Simple primary - image 15 - student project

   Simple primary - image 16 - student project   Simple primary - image 17 - student project

  As you can see I was really rocking the thin lines. I liked the white space and calmness it created, resembling plants or grass or chopsticks or notebook paper. Even an abstract representation of coding language/ text editors.