Sample Project

Sample Project - student project

Below is a sample of what you could include in your own class project:

I've uploaded a screenshot of my practice sheet below. I had trouble with .... I also made a few different brushes to try out how they work. I highly recommend trying these settings ... I found them to be my favourite.

Sample Project - image 1 - student project


After a bit of practice, I uploaded my own sketch and did the outside lines first, then the inner, more detailed lines.

Sample Project - image 2 - student project


I'm really impressed with how easy it is to ink these drawings in! Next I added my flat colour with a bit of details (on the left below) and some shadows and highlights (right below).

Sample Project - image 3 - student project


And here are my final drawings. I used the global swatches, as suggested in the video. This really did make it extremely easy to change colours on the fly.

Sample Project - image 4 - student project

And that's it!