Sample Project: Teacher's Trinity
Drawing Exercise I: Shapes
Drawing Exercise II: Silhouetting
Drawing Exercise III: Movement
Drawing Exercise IV: Black & White
Drawing Exercise V: Patterns
Putting It All Together: Sketch
Final Drawing: Pencil Only
I used Derwent Graphic soft lead graphite drawing pencils (B & 2B) on natural white, acid free Hahnemühle sketching/drawing paper with a slightly toothy texture (140 grams/m² or approx. 86 lbs).
Final Drawing: Digitally Enhanced
I scanned my pencil drawing in color at 300 dpi, and opened it in Photoshop Elements.
I enhanced it by playing around with things like levels and contrast.
I also cleaned up the surrounding area by using the clone stamp tool.
Final Drawing: Color
I added a pop of color by using the pencil tool in Photoshop Elements.
Extra Character I: Digitally Enhanced
I took the sketches from my drawing exercises and created two other characters.
If you'd like to know more about the process, you can watch my bonus videos.
If you'd like to create more characters yourself, you can do the same and take your already made drawing exercises to take inspiration from, and/or completely start afresh by completing another set of drawing exercises and take it from there.
With this method you can practically create an unlimited amount of strong, unique characters, so have fun with it and play!
Extra Character II: Digitally Enhanced