Revue Tapas bar

I started working a visual identity for a new tapas and drinks bar. I have the opportunity to do everything from the menu to the signage , drink holders, ...
I started working on the idea of a 'monogram', the R and V combined (from Revue), it's the first time i'm doing custom type so it was a lot of looking around.
These are some of the sketches
I worked on some 'script' more autograph kind of marks, but that did not feel that right, i also worked on more 'stencil' like marks, finaly i ended up wit a serif combination that felt right to me.
These are some other logo propositions for the client.
And some variations on the logo the client liked most (me also )
And some mockups and a first idea for the business cards
The cThe client also really wanted a encompassing shape, they liked a certain bagde like shape so i'm still experimenting with this , the cards will be in that shape and i also am looking for the logo in this style
Now i will be looking for more of design system, fonts, imagery, menu and webdesigns. Thanks for the great class, it's really inspiring !