Plants, plants, plants!

Plants, plants, plants! - student project

Thanks for another fantastic course, Tabitha! This was a great reminder that I need to retake your editing course. I attempted to edit my photos using Lightroom on my phone with varying degrees of success.

Portrait - I wasn't happy with my first attempt at photographing my African violet because I thought the line where the two boards met was super distracting. Plants, plants, plants! - image 1 - student projectI didn't have any poster board, so I improvised with the back side of wrapping paper. That wasn't much better - LOL.

Plants, plants, plants! - image 2 - student project

Edge to edge - For this one, I was trying to capture the progression of the leaves on my Philodendron Birkin. I had a hard time getting the newest leaf (i.e., the white one in front) in focus to show more of its details. My plant only had one angle where I could capture the three variations of the leaves.

Plants, plants, plants! - image 3 - student project

New growth - When my silver dollar vine (xerosicyos danguyi) puts out new leaves it grows SO FAST. 

 Plants, plants, plants! - image 4 - student project

Macro - My string of turtles (peperomia prostrata) was on the struggle bus until recently when I moved it closer to a window and started watering it more often. For this one, I was trying to capture the pattern and plumpness of the leaves. 

Plants, plants, plants! - image 5 - student project

Selfie - Seeing new baby plants on my pilea peperomioides (or any other plant) will never get old. I included my fingertip for scale. 

Plants, plants, plants! - image 6 - student project

Excited to keep practicing the things that you covered in the course. This will definitely improve the quality of the photos I upload to the Planta app to track the progress of my plants.