Painting Skin Tones

This was such a fun, quick class to learn more about skin tones. What I found the most beneficial to my work flow is looking deeper into warm and cool tones, learning to balance the different tones within the illustration.
Sketches and exploration of colour palettes
The two characters below are my favourite designs due to the differing expressions, colour palettes and how the cool and warm tones are balanced throughout.
I tried to create a variety of different ages, genders, skin tones and expressions. I think I need to work on expressions and some look a bit flat. But I am pleased to say that they all look unique from one another, as though they all have their own story to tell.
Grey scale version below. Some colours fade into the back ground (shirt on #3 and skin tone on #5) but overall I’ve worked to balance the tones within each character frame.
I ended with two quick self portraits. The first portrait is more life like; the second I tried to exaggerate the proportions more