My training

My training - student project


first of all, a big THANK YOU to you, Yasmina.

This class helped me so much for differents things I used to struggle with. First, the drawing itself, as I did not take the time to "cut" it into simple shapes, though I know it's better to do it... but I'd never tried!

Second, to help me keep in sight it's all about interpretation of the things we see, and not necessarily the things themselves. So, here is my drawing of a bird (I used yours as a reference) :

My training - image 1 - student project

And the 3 different steps for a giraffe (ref photo found on Google) :

My training - image 2 - student project

I'll upload my projet as soon as I have time to draw a thing I love and a thing I never draw (though I love birds, and never drew a giraffe!).

Thank you again, I was astonished myself :I didn't even thought I could possibly draw like that!