My Chemex morning ritual is a gamechanger

My Chemex morning ritual is a gamechanger - student project

Brewing my coffee by hand has made my morning ritual so enjoyable! I have started to wake up a bit earlier so I can enjoy the process of grinding my beans, brewing and enjoying my cup- noticing the subtleties of the process and how it affects the taste of my coffee.

My Chemex morning ritual is a gamechanger - image 1 - student project

This is a photo of my morning setup most days- on my grandma's old Franciscan china (that I love and use for everyday though it may be suited for more fancy occasions...).

My favorite coffee beans are from my hometown of Kansas City, The Roasterie (though I love Blue Bottle too). I grind my beans in a hand grinder, the tactility of it I love. I heat the water and wet the filter. I use the simple pouring method that Michael uses in the class, and in about 15 minutes my coffee is finished.

I like my brew light, with not so much sharp or sourness, so I add a bit more water when I pour and it turns out just right! I also like the consistency with a little milk when the brew is lighter.

The quiet moments of hand-making my coffee every morning has totally improved how I begin the day, and the rest of the day after. Thanks, Blue Bottle!