Money saving lotion bars

Money saving lotion bars - student project

Introduction:I have extremely sensitive skin. I am allergic to most soaps, deodorant, lotions, and detergents. I currently make my own hair scalp oil, body wash, and hand soap. I am excited to actually make me own lotion. I love using essentials. I will be gathering ingredients for a vegan version of the lotion.

Ingredients: I got all my ingredients on Amazon. I love the two day shipping. I used chamomile, lavender, and geranium in all of the lotion bars. For a different scent, I used Lemon grass for 2 bars, Birch for 1 bar, and White Fir for my boyfriend's bars. 

Money saving lotion bars - image 1 - student project

The process to make these lotion bars was short and easy. I can't wait to make these again and add different ingredients like herbs.

Money saving lotion bars - image 2 - student project