Milla Krokodilla

Milla Krokodilla - student project


I'm working on a little present for a little girl named Milla. She is fond of crocodiles and the name of the work will be 'Milla Krokodilla' (Dutch). I'm going to make a book cover in this course.

1: Finding inspiration

  • Direction: book cover
  • animal: crocodile

My moodboard:

Milla Krokodilla - image 1 - student project

the color palette!

Milla Krokodilla - image 2 - student project


Milla Krokodilla - image 3 - student project

Use of geometric figures.

Milla Krokodilla - image 4 - student project

the swamp (plants)

2: Brainstorm: warm-up exercise

Milla Krokodilla - image 5 - student project

Need to make some more 'font'-sketches. :-) But I know i want the name Milla curley, gentile and cute and the word Krokodilla straight, big, bold.

Also need to work on some illustrative font!

3: Creating thumbnails

Milla Krokodilla - image 6 - student project

I couldn't wait with making thumbnails because i was feeling inspired :-). For this try-out i'm allready in love with number 2 on the first row (2 hearts). Which one is your favorite up to now?

Update (17/05/2015):

Milla Krokodilla - image 7 - student project

Update (19/05/2015):

Milla Krokodilla - image 8 - student project

Think i should remake the last sketch because the font is lost in the crowded drawing...

Update 08/06/2015: I combined my first (favourite) and second drawing and finalised it:

Milla Krokodilla - image 9 - student project

I just want to start reading the book! :-) Any feedback before finalising it with color? (I'm going to color it with another course from Mary Kate, namely The Final Steps of Hand-Lettering: Color & Texture (Lettering II).. Excited!