Lotion Bars

Lotion Bars - student project

I'm Victoria, I was inspired to take this class because recently I have been developing more of an awareness of the importance of the things I put on, in, and around my body. So it has been somewhat of an evolution for me. Originally riding my make-up bag of anything that wasn’t cruelty free about a 6 months ago, and it has just grown from there. I would LOVE to learn more about all natural beauty care. I currently only use cruelty free things, and now I’m trying to avoid items packaged in plastic (or at least plastics that don’t recycle well) and that have parabens and preservatives. I do use some Lush products currently. But I’m pretty open to anything all natural.

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I naturally keep essential oils around my house so I used what I had on hand.

I got a 30 oz jar of coconut oil for $9.99 at TJMaxx (they actually have lots of good dry cabinet items)

I found my shea butter from the farmers Market in New Orleans

The beeswax and cupcake liners I got off Amazon with prime shipping

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I can’t wait to try different blends of butters as well as herbs and essential oils! Thank you so much for this class! I really hope that you offer another class again soon!