Interview with Paula de Souza

I am interviewing a tarot reader on her journey to become a successful tarot reader. It is a quick interview max 20 to 30 minutes.
Paula de Souza
Tarot Reader
Fits into the archetype REBEL/NURTURER
Questions to ask the interviewee after small chit chat to open as a form of relaxing into the conversation:
- The Paula that I know today and that I invited here is definitely a different Paula from when you started. Can you give our audience a brief summary of who you were when your started and this journey?
- So being born and raised in Brazil, a very religious yet mystical country in its old days,e how did that shape your interest for tarot?
- Were you a tarot client before becoming a reader?
- Was your family into this type of esoteric/spiritual practices or were you the rebel?
- What challenges did you encounter in your journey and what advise can you give our audience if they want to become tarot readers?
- You now live in the Uk, does different cultures mean different interpretation of your cards? Are you influenced by the clients culture?
- What would you say to anyone wanting to start their business of tarot now?
- What is in store for the future?
Thank them for coming and will pass on their contact and where to book tarot from them to audience.
Will inform them that I will do a follow up shortly to update them on progress of the interview and also if I need any further information from them.
I will contact them via email. Also will provide a copy for them once editing is done.