I got addicted to watercolor

I got addicted to watercolor - student project

These are my first three paintings. I only recently started with watercolor again. Lately I was more into abstract painting with gouache, acrylics and oil pastels, but also into collage. (btw that's my news Skillshare class: Collage Cards For Fun: Three Designs to Play With Composition).

I got addicted to watercolor - image 1 - student project

I started with the walnut leaf since I figured it would be the easiest. I painted two segments for each leaf and added the thin veins with an acrylic marker.

I got addicted to watercolor - image 2 - student project

The hibiscus from my garden was my second piece and since there where larger areas I had trouble finishing each segment before the paint dries. I also had a few water puddles which dried up in blooms.

I got addicted to watercolor - image 3 - student project

I love it how you get better with practice. I felt that I already had a lot more brush control when painting this rose. 

I got addicted to watercolor - image 4 - student project

I got addicted to watercolor - image 5 - student project

The next one is a plane tree leaf I had collected last autumn.

I got addicted to watercolor - image 6 - student project


This one is the blossom of bee balm (Monarda fistulosa) a fascinating plant. I really love how this one turned out.

I got addicted to watercolor - image 7 - student project

Those are Persian buttercups and they are definitely one of my favorite flowers.
I got addicted to watercolor - image 8 - student project
These are my 7-9th pieces:

I got addicted to watercolor - image 9 - student project

I got addicted to watercolor - image 10 - student project

I got addicted to watercolor - image 11 - student project

I got addicted to watercolor - image 12 - student project

And finally the tenth. This is a really funny plant, not a succulent, but I don't know what it is called. Painting something as detailed in a 10 cm painting is not easy and all those tiny bits and pieces gave me a hard time. I should try it again double the size and maybe abstract it a bit more.

I got addicted to watercolor - image 13 - student project