Hello Coffee!

Rookie Coffee Lover
A few month ago, I bought a Hario V60 ceramic, a Hario Server, an electric grinder and a cheap scale. This ugly teapot, I've already had.
3 weeks ago I bought a whole bean coffee, from a very respected producer here in Brazil, Fazenda Fortaleza. They are very famous for their high quality coffee. I bought this blend for beginners, called Cartola.
I followed the instructions and weighted 17g of beans to 255g of water, on a 1:15 ratio.
I tried to get a medium to fine coarse, but clearly my grinder is not good for that. The grind was uneaven.
After scalding the filter and the server, I put the grinded coffee and made a small cavity.
I started pouring 37g of water to release the oils, and "wake up" the coffee.
After a minute or so, I started to pour more water, about 100g at a time.
In about 2:30 minutes the coffee was brewed
It had a beatiful caramel color. But It was clear for me, that the bean was not properly grinded.
The coffee is great! I left sitting for a bit. It has the chocolate, almond, nuttiness flavour as the packaging suggested, with a mild sweetness and no acidity whatsoever. Was one of the smoothest coffee I've tasted. And the finished was full bodied but light at the end, not bold and bitter as other coffees I've tasted.
I recommed this bean. The toast was on august 18th and I tasted on september 10th. It still has it's flavours properties.
For the next time, I'll try it with different ratios to see how it goes.
Experience nº2
I talked to a few baristas here in São Paulo and I've been applying some tips they gave me to improve my coffee experience. And they really made the difference. Here it is:
Grind your beans longer. If you have a blade grinder like mine, I suggest you grind your coffee for at least 10-20s depending on the portion. I normally take 12s to grind 20g of coffee. And of course, shake the grinder a bit during the process. It makes the coffee more eavenly grinded. And it really enhance the taste.
Stir while brewing. Right after you pour the water over the coffe on the paper filter, stir with a spoon carefully to not rip the paper filter. It helps hidrate the coffee eavenly, extracting more flavour of it. Do a test and you'll taste the difference. It's amazing how much flavour stiring the coffee can extract.
And my coffee recomendation: Catuaí from Sítio Bela Vista, Castelo-ES, Brazil. It's unbelievable the sweetness of this coffee! It has this fruity flavour but with a silkness texture, reminding a bit of milk(!)...yes! Milk! The attendent at Coffe Lab, described the coffee as a guava cream cheese flavour.
And boy...he was right!