HTML & CSS For Beginners: Project 01
HTML & CSS For Beginners: Project 01
Name: Paul Ramnora
Computer: Tower Desktop PC
OS: Linux Mint
GitHub a/c.:
Document last updated: Mon 02 Sep 2024 16:40 PM GMT
Web page link...
Frankly, I have to admit, I have NOT finished watching all of the videos for this course so far. I believe, I reached up to watching video 10 out of 26 videos.
Instead, what I actually have done so far is...
- Use HTML/CSS (that I already knew) to build an old style web site.
...then, after having studied watched all of the videos...I will attempt to change the 'old' style type of site to go fit in with what are the 'newer' Web Site Building methods.
Finally, I should like to add...I've liked watching everything I've seen so far; and, do find it to be a HUGE eye opener.
Thanks very much for the course.
PS: Have a GOOD day!