Great Gothic Boot Camp Challenge: Exercise 1, 2, Speed + Ornament Design
Exercise 1: I am really loving pen manipulation, although I need more practice. My favorite exercise so far.
Exercise 2: Having fun with these exercises.
Speed Exercise
This exercise was a lot of fun again, but it was more difficult. As I was getting frustrated with my stroke endings I couldn't relax my hand. I was trying to identify where was my problem in the spyrals exercise, and I think it is because my ending strokes are shakey and angular instead of smooth and curved. I was trying to use my shoulder to move the pen but my ovals were not smooth yet.
Ornament Design
As I wanted to focus first on concept and shape I didn't use color, but I am looking forward to trying color on these designs.
Floral Design
Maybe I am over using pen manipulation, but it is quite fun. I still need to work on some issues with strokes intersection..
Circular Floral Design
My strokes in this one could have be more solid, but I was focused on the design rather than getting perfect strokes. Symetry is hard to achieve, but in the next stage I will pay more attention to it.
I like how whimsical this design is. The inital guide made it all. After tracing it, everything seemed to fit easily.
Ornament Designs in color
For this design I used the Parallel Pen Ink Cartridges blue and green and J. Herbin ink - Ambre Birmanie.
For the two other designs I used J. Herbin Amber Ambrosie and Red Cartridge Ink.