Fruits & Florals in Watercolor

Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - student project

Can you tell I have a thing for SUPER saturated paint palettes? : )


Painting #1: Tropical Watermelon Hibiscus

Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - image 1 - student project


Painting #2: Citrus Blooms

Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - image 2 - student project


Painting #3: Cherry Branches

Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - image 3 - student project


Painting #4: Kiwis & Ferns

Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - image 4 - student project


Want to learn how to paint these? Take my Skillshare, Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist


Bonus pic of me painting:Fruits & Florals in Watercolor - image 5 - student project