Example project: With Me

Here's an example project I've created, using my class make-belief brand, 'With me'.
Class starting point: With Me sells watering cans
Class end point: With Me believes city life can be healthier, happier, and cheaper. And our plant friends are the solution to making this come true!
Class Brand identity discovery
- Brand Vision: To make life healthier, happier, and cheaper for city dwellers
- Brand Hero: The positive city go-getters who don't give up, and find a way no matter what life throws at them. Whether that's a shy person starting a new job in a big scary city, a single parent trying to bring up healthy, happy kids, or a student trying live like a queen on a budget!
- Brand nemesis: Isolation and loneliness in a big city, cost of living, air pollution,
- Brand Genre: A heart-warming, cheeky, family-friendly brand
With Me Poster (end of part 1 project)
With Me Instagram story video