Example Copywriting Project: Writing Headlines

Example Copywriting Project: Writing Headlines - student project

This is an example project to accompany my copywriting class, Writing Headlines.

For this project, I'm sharing seven of the headlines I wrote for my client, Urban Barista, using the copywriting principles from the class.

Speak Directly to Your Audience
Calling All Coeliacs: Introducing Our New Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

Offer Your Reader a Benefit
Enjoy Artisan Bread Without the Bloat With Our Gluten-Free Sourdough Loaves

Generate Curiosity
Our New Sourdough Bread Contains 7 Ingredients. Gluten Isn't 1 of Them

Ask a Relatable Question
Coeliac? Dream of Eating Tasty Sourdough Bread? Now You Can.

Report Something Newsworthy
Why That Bloated Feeling You Get After Eating Bread is a Thing of the Past 

Give a Direct Command
Do Your Gut A Favour: Try Our New Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

Emergency Formula
NOW: An Easy Way to Get Your Sourdough Bread Fix With Zero Gluten


You can transform your own headlines using simple copywriting principles. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, either right here, on the Discussions board, or when you post your project. I’m looking forward to seeing your work!