Curate Your Experience with De...

Hi Beth,
thank you for taking the time to clarify our goals.
The following story will be a recorded video (my commercial) I will include at the end of my travel videos as a way to reach my audience.
A couple of years ago I felt my life was in a quandary, I was in the middle of a good year professionally working in higher education, but I was unfulfilled. Daily! While I appreciated my responsibility for working with struggling students to improve their lives, I personally felt the stress of living in a toxic America. I found myself watching Anthony Bourdain, the food traveler, religiously, and began to believe it was time for me to renew my passport a full decade. I’ve always had a deep appreciation for different cultures, traditions, and rituals. I like the idea of gaining ancient wisdom for contemporary challenges. In August 2016, I decided that I would finally accomplish one of my life long goals by visiting Asia in December 2016.
My three-week experience in Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam was transformative, and I now see the world through a different lens of new possibilities. But in order to make my experience successful, I had to do a lot of research and organizing to maximize my time and money. I have since continued to travel and have gained valuable experience to help kickstart your possible life-changing excursion without you having to use as much time as I did reading travel guides and watching Youtube videos. I have continuously met travelers from around the world who could have avoided a few costly mistakes in cities such as Cairo, Egypt, or Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam. I would love nothing more than to help a fellow traveler have an incredible journey. I am here to answer your questions and support your experience with a one-hour consultation.