Composition Studies

Composition Studies - student project

Practice studies done as part of this Skillshare class:


1. Placement of Shapes


Thumbnailing all the arrangements with shapes

Composition Studies - image 1 - student project


2. Selecting 


- I liked this composition because of order in which eyes move top to bottom

Composition Studies - image 2 - student project

3. Came up with two paintings - The reason behind doing two is to find out if color selection affects the composition. My goal is to guide a viewer from the top circle to the bottom rectangle.

Composition Studies - image 3 - student projectComposition Studies - image 4 - student project



2. Arrangement of Shapes


Composition Studies - image 5 - student project


 Discovered/Tried Various ways of making one part stand out

1. By color - Pattern technique - Breaking the pattern of circles with different colors.

2. Stroke Direction - All strokes going in one direction and introducing another stroked which goes in a different direction

3. Thickness of stroke - Same direction but thickness varying for one

4. A different color/shape mark in between a pattern

5. Stroke direction 

6. Shape Variation 

7. Stroke Thickness


3. Studies - Big and Small movement


Composition Studies - image 6 - student projectComposition Studies - image 7 - student project


Prepared sketches using ink and painted in Acrylic. Made the mistake of dripping so thought to add more dripping to fix it. Not a fix, but fun for sure.