Class Announcement Email

Class Announcement Email - student project

We're so excited to work with MailChimp on this class, and we couldn't wait to let the community know that it was live!

Our business goal with this email was to announce a new class, increase its exposure, and kickstart student enrollments. This ladders up directly to the mission of Skillshare (making learning accessible) and MailChimp (making it easy for everyone to make the most of email marketing).

  • We went with a super simple subject line: MailChimp's New Class on Email Marketing
  • The pre-header text speaks directly to users and matches the body copy: "Join MailChimp to learn how an email marketing strategy can help you achieve your business goals."
  • The image is fun, playful, and aligned with both Skillshare and MailChimp's brands. In the live email, it also links to the class (one of Allyson's great tips about making the most of images).
  • The body copy tells readers a few things: what this is, how long it will take, who it's for, and how this will help users in their own lives. It's clear but not too long. Good for skimming and respecting users' time!
  • There's just one call-to-action button, which is great for visual emphasis (it gets its own color) and a bit of added incentive — "Enroll for Free!"
  • At the bottom of the email, there is additional info that's consistent across all Skillshare emails: quick links to become a premium member, learn about the iOS app, and teaching. In terms of content hierarchy, this doesn't directly contribute to the email's goal (drive class enrollments) so we see it in smaller, less prominent (grayed) text.
  • The very bottom of the email gives users a chance to unsubscribe so that our list always stays healthy every email stays relevant to our community.

What do you think? Does this email accomplish our business goals? Let us know what you think!

Class Announcement Email - image 1 - student project