Brazilian coffee hand process

Brazilian coffee hand process - student project

Hi Michael and coffee lovers =)

I'll probably make a long project cause I'm Brazilian and I have kind of a coffee history.

Before getting into brazilian beans, I'd like to thank you Michael for all the great tips you've shared. I went to California last year and I've planned to visit Oakland city for two reasons:

1 - try to visit the VSCO offices (they make photography and art with heart, and I really wanted to meet these people);

2 - try a cup of coffee at Blue Bottle (I'm not kidding! This is an old desire...I follow your work for a while and everything you do looks beautiful, tasty and made with truth - with great photos).

Unfortunately, I couldn't visit Oakland that time, but I'll fix that asap.

Jumping to Brazil...I told you that I have a coffee history and is because my father grew up in a coffee farm in Minas Gerais (one of the most famous coffee producer area in Brazil and a few miles away from FAF Santa Clara - MG which makes the Red Catuaí you told)

I try to pick some Arabica beans, but trust me, they are truly expensive in Brazil. Almost all the great coffee we make here are made to exportation and it makes the coffee price higher.
For this class me and my father picked a Mogiana Coffee from Sao Paulo countryside (it looks beautiful):

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 1 - student project

I don't have all the equipment you showed (hehehehe if the coffee beans are expensive you can imagine the price of good grinds and glasses. Anyway I have a nice drip nº3 and a mini french press that I love). The place I buy my coffee has the grinder, so I have to make little packs of drip coffee and french press coffee.

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 2 - student project

After a loooong conversation with my father we started the process.

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 3 - student project

We decided to make the drip. (I couldn't take pictures of the brewing process at this time, but I'll try to take new pictures of both methods next weekend: drip and french press)

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 4 - student project

A view of the steps.

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 5 - student project

Tastes notes:

Chocolate smell! This coffee really smells like chocolate!

I like strong coffee, but as don't have a scale, I think I missed the right amount of coffee and it became weaker than I'm used to (my father liked the recipe, so it was not that bad).

For me, the coffee had a very low acidity level and kind of a sweet fruity taste at the end (I'll probably couldn't describe the tastes in English, but it's nice. Not the best, but good coffee). The coffee was a little bit cold, and I'll try to heat the cup before filling with the drink.

Ps. I had the opportunity to try some Catuaí coffees and they are just awesome!

Thank you!

Brazilian coffee hand process - image 6 - student project