Birds, birds, birds, ……. .

I am finished!
What a fun class! 10 days with birds! Not only learning different ways to draw birds, but also learning to use Procreate features! I skipped a day. The birds in a Mandela day. I do not like Mandela’s. But a have learned so much! The different ways of adding color, making a stamp brush, seeing forms in scribbles, drawing with forms! So much I can use to draw in a sketchbook!
Day 9 Birds with forms I like the two Bruna-like birds. And want to exp lore that kind of drawing.
D-ay 8 Doodle bird
Day 7 I made silhouettes of flying birds in black and filled a sheet full with colors and a background. Thanks to clipping mask I made these colorful birds! I cannot decide if the dark blue lines make it better or worse!
Day 6: Different ways of painting blob-birds. The blob- birds are a good way to learn painting loose!
Day 5 Stamp brushes I
I always made new stamp brushes with another stamp brush. Now I learned to make it without another one and than there is a ‘bird farm’!
And this reminds me of the penguin dance on YouTube!day 4 More fun! Bird collage with homade fun paper with textures and cutting out the shapes for the birds. I used my scribbles to draw my own funny birds.
day 3 inky bids. For these birds I used some ink brushes and oil paint brushes. I work with these brushes, but still do not know what they do on the canvas! Had to explore that. May be an oil paint class?!
day 2: scribbles —>birds
For the colors I filled a few pages with oil paint brushes and with clipping mask the birds adapted those colors!
day 1: Just sketching