Autumn in my sketchbook

I had more goals with this class:
- enjoy and observe the beautiful autumn
- collect leaves from my neighbourhood and paint them
- practice sketching leaves and trees
- getting to know my colours better
- to try out the Derwent Graphitint paint set (with shiny graphite particles in it)
Why I really got from this class?
- all from above
- stressless moments spending with observing, painting and drawing
- going beyond my limits with sketching (I never thought I would enjoy painting leaves so much)
- experiment with lines, shapes, values, shadows, paints
- some project ideas for the future (like building a database about leaves)
The process
The initial idea was to go to a local park, collect 1-2 leaves and paint them with their tree. The autumn had other plans for me, though. I couldn't resist and collected a bunch of leaves from 6 different trees. Initially, I decided to create a project using this material. I took my time, observed every little detail, and painted what I got.
Meanwhile, I collected more leaves during my walks and painted those as well. The other big task was identifying the leaves and trees to gather some botanical knowledge. In fact, when I collected the leaves from the park, I identified already the trees. The rest of the leaves still need to be discovered. I'm planning to create some exciting projects from these sketches. If you're interested, please visit my blog at
My autumn colours
The plan
The pages from my sketchbook
Thank you, Barbara, for this enjoyable class. I had so much fun doing this project, primarily because of you. You're awesome.
Thanks for scrolling through my project. If you enjoyed it and you would like to see my other creations, please visit:
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Twitter: tunde_art | Pinterest: tunde_art
Thank you! ♥