Art Deco Fire Water Mandala?

Art Deco Fire Water Mandala? - student project

Of course when Chris Parks from Pale Horse Design was giving a class. I had to sign up! This is the sketch of my Mandala from that class.  I have no idea where I was going with it, but for some reason it turned out kind of art deco. Kind of a nature fire water kind of thing. Then I also see hints of styles from India. So who knows where my mind went! LOLArt Deco Fire Water Mandala? - image 1 - student project

Art Deco Fire Water Mandala? - image 2 - student project

Here is the new outlined design. I had to make the image small, and resolution way down to be below 2MB.

Art Deco Fire Water Mandala? - image 3 - student project

Here is my base colors

Art Deco Fire Water Mandala? - image 4 - student project

Well I think I am done!