Abstract Patterns from Handmade Marks

Making patterns out of handmade marks (and the actual process of experimenting with mark-making) turned out to be considerably more addictive than I have anticipated, and Dom & I have created enough marks to carry on creating patterns for the next year without using any more paper!:D In this project, I am going to share a selection of some of our favourite patterns created using different media, which by no means is representative of all experiments we've done.
Please enjoy & ask any questions you might have!;)
When I started experimenting, I thought I’d like acrylic and ink marks the most, but It turned out that 2B pencil, broad pen and a marker are not bad at all either, and might even suit the way I work and my style more.
5 mm Calligraphy Pen (Waves) White Board Marker (Line Segments)
Translucent Raster Ink Marks
Medium Broad Copic Marker
Acrylic & Semi-Dry Brush
2.4 mm Pilot Parallel Pen
Translucent Raster Ink Marks
Medium Broad Copic Marker
Chalk Pastel
Kuretake Art & Graphic Twin Pen (brush end pressed sideways onto paper)
5 mm Calligraphy Pen (zigzags) 0.8 mm Faber-Castell Broad Pen (triangles)
Acrylic (brush strokes), Broad Pen (crosses), Ink (circles)
Thanks a lot for watching! Check back for project updates in future;)