Before you Write a Note (Precomposition)

Before you Write a Note (Precomposition)

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About this product

J. Anthony Allen

J. Anthony Allen

Music Producer, Composer, PhD, Professor

You have a great musical idea, but will it become a finished piece? What if you could dramatically increase your chances of completing your music by planning effectively before writing your first note?

"Before You Write a Note" introduces precomposition: the secret weapon professional composers use to craft compelling, cohesive music efficiently. Whether you're writing a string quartet, producing electronic dance music, or anything in between, these techniques will transform your creative process.

J. Anthony Allen draws from decades of composition and teaching experience to reveal how proper planning leads to better music. Learn to:

  • Define your musical purpose and target audience
  • Structure your piece effectively from the start
  • Find and develop inspiration systematically
  • Navigate technical decisions confidently
  • Transform abstract ideas into finished compositions


Through practical examples, creative exercises, and proven strategies, this guide helps musicians of all levels overcome creative blocks and turn their musical visions into reality. Stop abandoning half-finished projects – discover how precomposition can make you a more productive and confident music creator!

56 pages • Includes precomposition journal, flowchart, and essential checklists • Fully indexed with glossary • Step-by-step guides • Practical worksheets


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