Scribble, Stamp, Snip & Stick: Cut Paper Collage Art eBook

Scribble, Stamp, Snip & Stick: Cut Paper Collage Art eBook

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About this product

Sue Gibbins

Sue Gibbins

Designer at Rocket & Indigo

Experiment with art media in a fun way by scribbling, stamping, snipping and sticking! In this 24-page ebook, you'll learn about Sue's collaging techniques. Although she suggests a range of materials that can be used, the required items are minimal; using what you have to hand is encouraged. The book guides you through some ways to build rich textures on paper, including adding patterns with your own stamps, and provides you with tips on cutting and glueing. There's also a step-by-step bonus project to make a repeating pattern tile on paper. 


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