Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set
Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set

Thumbnail Layouts Procreate Brush Set

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About this product

Kristen De Palma

Kristen De Palma

Hi! I'm a lettering & mural artist.

Sketching small can help you to explore many possible layouts for your lettering designs, without getting caught up in the details.

This Procreate brush set includes 20+ unique layout ideas for your text, including options for lengthier quotes. 

Use each thumbnail as a stamp on your canvas and loosely sketch in your message to fill the shapes. Once you've landed on the best possible composition, scale your chosen thumbnail up to a larger canvas size and begin working out the details. 


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