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Jennifer Keller
Express Yourself with Creative Confidence!
I believe that art is magic. By creating, we mix our inner souls with the outer world to make beauty.
My name is Jennifer Laurel Keller. I'm an artist and an instructor, but what I really do is help people release their blocks and express themselves with creative confidence.
I've worked in the arts for over 20 years as a frame designer, art gallery manager, vintage furniture and home decor dealer, art supply sales associate, and finally as an art instructor.
I love teaching so much. Seeing students light up when they begin to gain confidence in their abilities is so incredibly rewarding and I'm so lucky to be a part of that process. I'm really happy to be able to connect with people all over the world who love being artsy, as well.
I invite you to visit my website at and my instagram @RoomToRoam.Design.
Happy painting! Much Love!
- Jennifer
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