Working Title:Re-Animation Rag (RR)
Working Title RR. 04.09.2016
- Passion: Why do I Want to Write This Story?
- Theme: What Message should readers take a way from it? (in a word or two)
- Character Flaw: (in three words)
- Premise: (in one sentence) “What if….a flawed protagonist encounters a problem and has to solve a problem and in order to do so must overcome the flaw.
1 .Passion: I am passionate about the fantastical possibility of re-animating after being cryogenically preserved at the time of death. A passion shared by approximately 1000 persons currently signed up to be so pre-served.
2. Theme: affective and cognitive balance must be obtained to achieve maturity and deal with hostile situations.
3. Flaw: unable to be objective about his own functioning therefore could not identify the influence of fear on his behavior.
4. Premise: What if a frightened re-animated person had to relate to a group of hostile neighbors, and had to get over his own fear in order to do so in a non-violent way?