Winter Foliage

Winter Foliage - student project

Hi Nina,

Thank you for another great and inspiring class! Please find below my learnings from this class. 

1 - I spent more time on the sketching phase in the beginning. As Nina suggested (and I also knew from my own experience), it is very important that the overall picture of the pattern (scale & distribution of the elements) is right at the beginning before you start colouring in the motifs. In the past, I was not always patient enough to do this step and the flow was not perfect.

2 - During the sketching phase, I paid attention to the scale of the elements and to not placing the motifs straight horizontally or vertically. So the tip of curving the elements and placing them at a different angle was also in my focus.

3-I also spent a lot of time on finding the right colours and how they work together.

4-I usually create my patterns 100% in Procreate. For this project I tried the combination of PS and Procreate so as not to lose too much quality. I was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to put all the elements together in PS after I finished drawing in Procreate.


Which version do you prefer and why?

Version 1:Winter Foliage - image 1 - student project

Version 2:

Winter Foliage - image 2 - student project