WiP: Kid with butterflies

WiP: Kid with butterflies - student project

I had a difficult time deciding what to paint. In the end I just let my brush take me wherever it wanted to go. Making it up as I go along. :)

Steps so far:

Masking fluid (after drawing a kid):

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 1 - student project


2. Random watercolours:

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 2 - student project


3. Took off the masking fluid. Yucky stuff. Painted the border black because I feld like it.

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 3 - student project

4. Painting the face:

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 4 - student project

5. Inks (and black watercolour):

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 5 - student project

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 6 - student project

close up:

WiP: Kid with butterflies - image 7 - student project

This is a wip, so I'll post the next steps as I go along. (I have no bloody idea what I'm going to do next, but I'm really looking forward to more noodling. :) ) ... is what I said.

However, right now I have no idea where to go from here. I think I want to draw a bit more on his forehead and hair. But what? And how about the rest. *hrm* If anybody has any idea, I'm happy for any suggestions.