Watercolour and Gouache Bouquet

Watercolour and Gouache Bouquet - student project

Watercolour and Gouache Bouquet - image 1 - student project

I don't often use gouache, but keep meaning to try it out more.  This was done with Kuretake watercolours, and a cheap set of gouache paints, and although the Gouache wasn't as matt as I would have liked, I really enjoyed exploring the high contrast colour background.  


I also went straight in without any pencil sketching and it was really liberating!


It was very meditative painting the background, and working my way around all the little details of the leaves and flowers.


I liked the approach of using a reference image as a starting point but not being too focused on it.  I added extra flowers / foliage to balance out the composition as well.


I really enjoyed this class.  A really nice one to do in my lunch hour :)