Watercolour Calendar

Watercolour Calendar - student project

Watercolour Calendar - image 1 - student project

I thought this project idea was so cute, but I don’t collage...at all... so I made it my own. I used watercolours to paint out some silly bits and then I cut them all up with scissors (while watching tv, lol, all that intricate cutting!) I then glued them onto my calendar from Lucie in a sort of pop-up way. I like how they come off the page (see last pic). 

Watercolour Calendar - image 2 - student project
Watercolour Calendar - image 3 - student project

Watercolour Calendar - image 4 - student project
I didn’t know exactly what to use for my wooden spoon ;) and ended up using this paintbrush that I’ll never use for watercolours, it’s way too long for that, but perfect for this! I used washi tape to hold the paint brush (folded over, so it is not sticky) and a strip of black pastel paper for the top. I like the way the gold edged ribbon goes with the gold in the washi tape :) I feel like it needs something to ground it, some shading or marker to show the ground, but I think I’ll leave it as is for the moment.

Any thoughts?


Watercolour Calendar - image 5 - student project

Watercolour Calendar - image 6 - student project

Thanks for a great class Lucie! :)