The portrait

Hello, Cara!
I did the portrait based on the photo of Lisa Minelli.
1 - the reference and then planes scheme
2 - the portrait itself
I used the oil-like brush
The portrait is not accurate in proportions, the girl on the painting came out not as Lisa, but as another pretty girl!=)
(I know I should work on my realism, but this is a different problem).
Values are in place and the color is bright, I am pleased with it. Maybe I should do a more refined version, but I noticed the more I work on the painting the worst it gets. So I stopped.
For now, the result is decent, I think.
I will be glad to hear your opinion on the piece! Thank you for the class!
And I would love to see your rendering and painting process (You asked if someone is interested in it). If you make a class about it, I will totally watch it and participate!