The Solution to ALL my problems
This has been the most practical and helpful class I have taken so far! I should have started with this class. I was having problems with lost photos, (was totally moving things around outside Lightroom) organization (didn't understand the organizing power of the program, and sometimes when I exported photos the edits wouldn't appear. They did appear when I learned to "publish" my photos. I also so appreciated learning the basic short cuts to move me through the program. Thank you for explaining things in such detail. I will be making references back to this course often.
Here is a screen shot of the keyword tags I created for several of my images. I am a dentist, and got camera to utilize in practice. Now I can easily organize according to procedures, photo types etc! No HIPPA violations here, these are all photos of friends none of which are my patients.
The photo attached to my cover is one of several photos I recovered as a lost image. Love this one of my canine.