Signature Art Style

Signature Art Style - student project

This is an excellent series of exercises and prompts to work through. When I started, I didn't think I had much of a cohesive signature style, but as I worked through the exercises, I realized that I actually do have my own style and that by focusing in certain directions, I'll be able to make progress in improving the quality of my work. I also had a kind of big insight - I would like to take my art from being "just" a hobby and look into the possibility of illustrating books. 

I'm going to post all my work, but I'll start with the final worksheet, as it gives a nice snapshot of my entire journey.

Signature Art Style - image 1 - student project


How, here are all my worksheets, chronologically.

Signature Art Style - image 2 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 3 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 4 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 5 - student project
Signature Art Style - image 6 - student projectSignature Art Style - image 7 - student project

At this point, I did an inventory of my more recent work, organizing it by medium and topic. This was very eye-opening… not only was I able to look for stylistic things that unify my work, but evaluating things like this helped me see what technique I really like best, and are most successful. For example, I realized that I really, really like a relatively quick sketch that I did during Inktober ( the heron and snake ) and I think this might be a good direction for me… it's a very clean and professional look, which I didn't really appreciate until looking at it for this course.


Here is my inventory:

Signature Art Style - image 8 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 9 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 10 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 11 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 12 - student project

Signature Art Style - image 13 - student project
Since I had already pulled all these images into Procreate, I decided to pull together a comprehensive color palette:

ISignature Art Style - image 14 - student project


Worksheet continued:

Signature Art Style - image 15 - student project Signature Art Style - image 16 - student project

 Inspiration board:

 Signature Art Style - image 17 - student project

Finally, here is the summary worksheet!

Signature Art Style - image 18 - student project

This was a truly eye-opening experience for me, to evaluate my body of work in this way. I learned a lot - not just about my personal style, but about motivation and goals, as well. Well worth the time and effort! Thank you so much Jeanetta!