Painting Trees

Painting Trees - student project

Hi Sharone,

Thank you for this amazing class. I remember one of my primary school art teacher taught us to paint tree by dabbing technique. But that was really like 20 years ago. Which after that I had never painted a tree after my highschool. Thank you so much for teaching few techniques to paint realistic look trees. You make the process easy and actionable :)


Here are bits of my process.

Start with sketching shape. Learn where the sun will be and shadows. 

Painting Trees - image 1 - student project


















Then colour values, and colours mixing. I used Sap Green, Lemon Yellow Deep, Payne Gray and Burnt Sienna as that are what I got in my palette. I am really bad with colour mixing and still too lazy to make colours chart for myself. 

Painting Trees - image 2 - student project


















Here is the final piece followed Sharone's step by step instruction.

Painting Trees - image 3 - student project

Painting Trees - image 4 - student project


Thank you everyone who view my project :)

Stay Home, Stay Safe!



Phei Yin