Overcoming Burn Out

Overcoming Burn Out - student project

These are my drawings from the first day of the challenge, the exercises reminded me of how fun it is to play with line and I've been inspired to experiment more with line!

Overcoming Burn Out - image 1 - student project


Something I was surprised by was how hard it was to do my blind contour drawing slowly! I finished my first attempt in two and a half minutes and managed to drag out the process to 4 minutes the second time round - and the quicker drawing was more accurate! Although I know blind drawing is less about the drawing and more about the observing

The cover image is the final study I did for day 1. I specifically picked this tomato because I thought it was so pretty and I wanted to keep drawing it, plus it was interesting to see what details I picked up during the observational exercises


Overcoming Burn Out - image 2 - student project


I did Day 2 with traditional media because I am a rebel >:) Again, I drew the pretty tomato because I want to make the most of it and I need to add it into some bolognese soon. You can see traditional art has its downsides because one of my markers ran out while I was colouring; I don't have many materials that are in shades of grey, usually I would just use graphite but I wanted to try something a bit different. I like that using markers made the difference in shades more distinct.

Overcoming Burn Out - image 3 - student project

I'm excited to finish this class and be inspired in new ways :)