My Vegan Days in New York City

My Vegan Days in New York City - student project

Hello classmates and Tom!

Looks like I'm the first one to post my project :) I got so excited when Tom announced this class as I've been wanting to draw maps for a long time.

Here are some sketches and inky bits, along with my final illustration (which I intend to upload to They Draw and Travel someday soon). I decided to do the outlines of my icons in a more inky style as I prefer that wonkiness, just for the record ;)

I would love to hear your thoughts and cannot wait to see what everyone else creates!

My Vegan Days in New York City - image 1 - student projectMy Vegan Days in New York City - image 2 - student projectMy Vegan Days in New York City - image 3 - student projectMy Vegan Days in New York City - image 4 - student projectMy Vegan Days in New York City - image 5 - student project