My Projects

Project 1

My Projects - image 1 - student project


Project 2

For the second project i did not know how to use the compare to method, i used the while loop to ask the user twice but i could not differentiate between each count and hence i could not compare between the first and second last name do you have a tip on how to do this ?

My Projects - image 2 - student project


 Another Way of doing Project 2, more line of code but it worksMy Projects - image 3 - student project


Project 3

i could only figure out the firstname i did not think of the +1 thanks a lot 

My Projects - image 4 - student project


Project 4

I did not need catch(IO Exception e), the program still works without it.

My Projects - image 5 - student project


marks and result

My Projects - image 6 - student project