Mr. Galliano's Circus

Mr. Galliano's Circus - student project

For my lettering system, I decided to base it off a book cover I designed recently. I believe a lettering system works well for a book because there are so many opportunities for interior illustrations and lettering. 

Right away I knew I wanted to design the back cover, ex libris and chapter headers. 

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 1 - student project

Above: My final sketch for the book cover. 

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 2 - student project

Above is the final cover which I will use to reference all the interior lettering and illustrations. 

First was to sketch out rough ideas for the interior illustrations.

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 3 - student project

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 4 - student project

The thumbnails above are very rough, I just wanted to get ideas together. The lists are just options for different illustrations and motifs that can be carried throughout that were featured on the cover.

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 5 - student project

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 6 - student project

The rough sketches for the ex libris

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 7 - student project

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 8 - student project

Sketches for ex libris.

Now that I see all the sketches together, I can make a decision for which illustration will work best with the lettering system. I don't want everything to feel repetitive so because the cover is so illustrative and detailed, I want the next illustration to be more simpler. While I liked the ring leader shouting the person's name, I think it is too similar to the cover. I think the bold lettering will create better flow in the lettering system.

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 9 - student project

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 10 - student project

Rough sketches for the chapter page

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 11 - student project

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 12 - student project

Sketches for the chapter page. The chapter page illustration will change for each story so I know I want it to have a the opportunity to include a motif that is baed on that chapter's story. So I think I am drawn to the ring leader announcing the story title. It's the first story in the book so I think it's apporpriate.

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 13 - student project

I wanted to carry the same border and characters and energy from the cover on to the back cover, but with this great intro into the story. 

Mr. Galliano's Circus - image 14 - student project

For my tighter sketch, I didn't inlcude the border or clown because I will grab those from the final cover image. I still have some adjustments to make before it gets inked but I feel the style and general spacing has been resolved.