Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished!

Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished! - student project

Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished! - image 1 - student project

My original watercolor was lovely, but I really like how it looks after I amped up that saturation and contrast just a tad in Photoshop.

After I scanned in my watercolor and made a few touch-ups in Photoshop, here's the final result:

Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished! - image 2 - student project


Plus, I couldn't resist trying out some new color palettes, too!

Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished! - image 3 - student project

Gotta love seeing my artwork on products!

Bonus selfie of me with my original artwork:

Monstera Leaf: Paint to Polished! - image 4 - student project

Want to learn how to digitally edit your artwork like this? Check out my Skillshare class: "Digitize Your Art to Sell Online: Prep Your Paintings for Print-On-Demand"