Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern

Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern - student project

Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern - image 1 - student project

Hi Everyone! Alexandra here

So grateful for those who have already stopped by to start their Tropical Leaf Quest!

I´m sharing with you this monstera leaf composition and how it evolved into a pattern for both wallpaper and textile.

I put to good use the techniwues we cover in the class, such as attention to  structure details, color transitions and shading to emphasize layers and proximity.

I used a monochrome palette of only greens.

Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern - image 2 - student project

This is how it slowly progressed...

Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern - image 3 - student project

to filling up the page...

From there I scanned it at 300dpi and took it to Photoshop to delete the background and play some more with the composition.

My intention was to keep it as a column design much like the real monstera which is a creeping plant that grabs on the tree trunks or a trellis and grows upward.

Monstera Deliciosa: from Paper to Surface Pattern - image 4 - student project

And so, I turned it into a pattern adding some vintage black and white flower illustrations.

Hope you like it and feel inspired to try a full page compositions with all the variations of a monstera you can come up with.

Excited to start seeing your work!!!